Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Preliminary Task 1.2 - (Filming & Editing)

After going about recording our preliminary task it came the time to edit our footage. After importing the footage into iMovie we went about a chronological ordering in relation to our editing. However, it soon came apparent to our group that one of our pieces of footage was missing for some reason unknown. This caused a particular problem in that we had only recorded this clip just the once; from this, we learned that it was important to record a scene/clip more than one time in order to provide us a with a range of clips to provide us with the choice of the most appropriate and as a fall back if one clip becomes defunct.
As stated in our storyboard and initial synopsis of our preliminary sequence, are key objective in this task was to successfully convey the 180 degree rule. We carefully selected our clips to make sure we followed this and feel as if we had achieved In our period of editing we did not insert a musical score to our clip as we only wished to convey the 180 degree rule.
At some stages where we had over-run time in which was not necessary or not needed we simply cut them out to make the clips shorter. Particularly so at the beginning of our sequence where the protagonist is walking down the corridor and the sequence alternates between the protagonist's fast paced marching in contrast to the antagonist, who is sat in solitary in the visiting room.

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